La Serpiente Roja (The Red Snake - 1937) and El Monstruo en la
Sombra (The Monster in the Shadows - 1955) weren't the only Charlie Chan movies made outside of the US.
Many Charlie Chan fans consider The Return of Charlie Chan (1971 with Ross Martin)
and Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen with Peter Ustinov) to be downright foreign as well!
The Pearl Tunic (1938)
Murder at the Taiwan National University Radio Station (1939)
The Great Charlie Chan Smashes an Evil Plot (1941)
Net of Devine Retribution (1947)
Hero of Our Time (1948)
The Wise Charlie Chan Fights the Prince of Darkness (1948)
Rush Glick's website at http://charliechanfamily.tripod.com/id179.html for more information!