Universal Studios' Back Lot |

For starters, try
Another source is his niece's semi-biography
by Rick Atkins: "Among the Rugged Peaks." "Semi" because Carla Laemmle was a font of information about her family
that included Carl, who founded Universal, and her cousin Carl Jr., who started the horror cycle with Dracula and
Maven also has a webpage for Ms. Laemmle
at CARLA LAEMMLE so settle in for some good old-fashioned fun reading!
And how about some neat trivia about
Universal's Shelby House |

AKA Colonial House, with the Full Second Balcony |
Universal Studio's Back Lot |

Including Their European City |
How many old horror movies have you seen from Universal
Studio?! Lots, if you're anything like Maven! Think you could recognized their back lot?! Check these photographs
out to see!
Universal Studio's Back Lot
The Universal Studio Back Lot - Colonial Street